Welcome to the Blog


Hi, I’m Sandra and this is the very first post of my blog on my personal website. I also blog for Deepgram and other sites out there on the web.

This blog will mostly contain writings related to my professional interests, namely front-end development, design, and developer experience (DX). I plan to write a bit about my favorite tools, frameworks, and technologies.

Stay tuned for upcoming posts on my most current interests, such as:

  • Jamstack and static site-building with frameworks like Astro and Nuxt.js
  • Design systems, UX, UI component libraries, and related topics
  • Developer experience engineering (DX)
  • CSS and Tailwind CSS goodies

I’ll also write about the things I build, probably starting with this personal website.

As of today (June 3, 2022), I’ve just launched the MVP version of this site, which includes a design that appeals to me, completely static pages, and a markdown blog that relies on Astro’s API to pull in the content on the page and convert it from markdown to HTML. There’s much more I want to do to make it a great personal site! I’ll write about my progress and my process.

Thanks for stopping by! I’ll get the RSS feed going for this site soon, but for now, I’ll probably just announce new posts on Twitter, so click on the Twitter icon at the top of the page to follow me.